Type of dwellers in the haunted places on the earth— and non- existence of Spirits…..

— A study by me

  • Non existence of Spirits: In our biological science concept every singular activity can be described by the logic of earthly activity and potential…. So, no unearthly objects need to be introduced…… Some brain activity is still unknown but still can be perceived not to be unearthly very easily…… Any psycology student can describe you why you are in such complex brain activity…… Now say you are not believing the completeness biological sciences and thinking there must be something beyond it’s knowledge, then you must introduce some potential some energy which is said to be spirit…. But if spirit is to interact with our 3D World it must be 3D— To interact with a certain dimensional world that one must belong to that dimensional world— in our world energy only can be concentrated in form of mass and real objects but otherwise can’t be concentrated freely…… Now you can argue that spirit in form of energy can affect our brain! But all the energies are actually coded in ATP molecules for perticular work!! There is no free energy in that same reason in our body! So, After the death the energy stored in the ATP molecules must be degenerated by the bacterias (🦠) and get to be free to be free from any coding what to do next and dissolved in the entropy of the world……. So, existence of the soul or any kind of spirit is strictly wrong as per my analysis….. What do you think?
  • Light upon the dwellers of the haunted places: Now spirits don’t exist as we have seen in previous analysis! Now, they might be some dwellers of the higher dimensional world! But as per some arguments there is free contact with the dwellers to the humans who had gone for a visit to that places… But as we know to interact with a certain dimensional world object the interacter must belong to that same dimensional world! Then only possibility is that they must have a gadget to change the dimensions….. But certainly increasing of the dimension is not possible for mass conservation easily….. But reduction of the dimension might be possible in the first look! But let us consider that case whether it is possible or not!! If we make any 3D object to project in the 2D we can consider any 3D object to be composed of infinitely many 2D objects……. For example rectangular box’s base is a rectangle and it can be considered to be made of infinitely many same rectangle along it’s height…… Is that clear? Let’s project the base to it’s base in 2D and other rectangle along it’s heights to be projected with gradual increasing areas( actually the areas will be twice each time)so that all these rectangles never overlap if overlap then they must give rise to some height and to some 3D object which is not required! So, this is one to one relationship between all this rectangles’ ponits along the height of the box with the box’s points… And this way you can as we ever rise up along the height the rectangles we see we are going to infinity in the 2D plane…… But we can see that if the height be zero then the volume be zero! But Mass= density× volume! And if volume →0 by L’ hospital rules of limit the mass to be finite the density must →∞ ….. Then for the new 2D projection of the object the density must be infinity!!! If we consider the finite area of the projection as the infinite areal object can’t exist in the 2D applicable world! To make the area finite we need infinite mass in a particular area as density× area must be mass in the new object! But that might give rise to a contradiction as mass in that finite area be infinite as density is infinite hence the contradiction of the mass conservation! So, according to mass conservation such gadget never exist! Same logic for any dimension!! So, any higher dimensional dweller can’t contact with us by any means!! Hence there is some aliens (👽) living in our 3D World who must dwelling in the haunted places if really haunted places exist!! Do you agree? If any wrong you find must write in the comment!!

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